Coaching – Professional Development
Are you stuck? Feeling thwarted in your professional goals? Hitting roadblocks in life and unsure how to break through the barriers that have stopped you in the past?
You’re not alone. Whether you need a jump start, tune up or a reinvention, professional coaching is a great way to get clarity and propel your career and your life.
As a certified life and business coach, I have worked with people of all ages and professions for more than 15 years. Since I was a corporate executive for many years, I understand the challenges that leaders encounter, personally and when leading teams.
Are you ready for executive coaching?
Group Coaching
Group coaching is a great way to reinforce specific training or professional development programs. One approach that I have used is to work with the internal training and development team. The internal experts provide a professional development seminar and the following month I work with the group as the outside expert to coach them on the skills they learned the previous month by using various techniques such as role-plays and group discussion. It’s a great way to reinforce new skills and it can add credibility and more fun to the process.
I first heard Marty’s Get Out of B.E.D. program in 2004. 8 years and 3 jobs later, I was finally able to bring her into my organization to fortify our management development program. We worked in partnership to refine our program and curriculum by providing professional development training followed by practice and reinforcement sessions as well as group coaching 30 days later.
In addition, one-on-one coaching was also made available. Having an outside expert lent credibility and support to our internal staff and curriculum and accelerated the application of new skills on the job. Plus it was great fun working together!
Trish Messick
Assistant Vice President Learning and Development
Mortgage Banking Industry
For more information about coaching, give me a call at 816-695-5453 or contact me to schedule a time that is convenient for you.