Just when I thought I was going to need someone to talk me off the ledge, more than 180 corporate executives from the Business Roundtable created a “Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation.” But more on that in my next blog. I just have to get this off my chest first.
You see, for weeks I’ve been fraught, distraught and despondent over the rampant monetization of… well, just about everything.
Don’t get me wrong, making money is a good thing and I’m a believer in the best intentions of capitalism. But it seems like people want to put a price tag on everything.
Entry into the USA? Forget it.
So much for the Statue of Liberty poem: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
How passé. How quaint and naïve.
The acting Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Ken Cuccinelli, wants it changed to “Give me your tired and your poor who can stand on their own two feet and who will not become a public charge.” No money, so sorry. Can’t “stand on your own two feet?” Tough luck. This hard stance applies to immigrants who are here legally and their family members who are legal citizens.
You don’t want immigrants coming to the USA? No problem, we’ll put them in cages and hold them indefinitely at detention centers.
Care about clean air or clean water? Endangered species or national parks or wildlife refuges? Forget it.
Since 2017 more than 83 regulations have been rolled back so people and corporations can make more money. Who cares if we’re drilling for oil and gas in our national parks and forests? So what if coal companies can dump debris in local streams. We’ll make more money!
Greenland? North Korea? Let’s Make a Deal!
Hey each of these countries has abundant natural resources that could be mined, drilled, or developed into beachfront resorts. People could get rich!
Right now, everything is about making a deals. Tariffs and trade. Tax breaks. Prison sentences. Sex trafficking. Russian funding for aluminum plants in Kentucky.
It feels like our democracy and quality of life is for sale. So what if Russia is targeting depressed areas in the USA and investing 40% in businesses. They’re providing jobs!
If you’re reading this and thinking: “What is she talking about?” I urge you to start paying attention.
I’ll admit, I’m a news junkie. But I know too many people who say:
- “Oh, I don’t have time to read the paper or watch the news.”
- “I can’t watch the news. It’s too depressing.”
- “It won’t make any difference if I vote or write my representative, or volunteer.”
- “It’s fake news.”
Quit It!
It’s time to be an adult and be accountable for the world we live in.
This is the price of admission to be a citizen of the United States.
For the people who want more tax cuts or don’t want to pay taxes, I say: Don’t send your kids to public schools, or expect fire or police protection, or drive on our roads or highways. Don’t go to parks, museums or libraries.
Talk about entitlement! Holy moly! These people want all the benefits without paying the price of admission!
The price of admission is to pay taxes and make informed choices for local, state and federal officials who will represent us and protect our democracy and quality of life.
If you’re ok with our planet being destroyed, women’s health rights being diminished, and old white men, who think it’s still the 1950’s, telling you what to do, fine!
I’m not ok with that and I’m doing everything I can to change it.
Be The Change!
Marty Stanley, CSP, is a national author, speaker and consultant on personal and organizational change. For 20 years she’s been advocating for people to Get Out of B.E.D.(Blame, Excuses and Denial) and be accountable for the choices they make. martystanley@alteringoutcomes.com, 816-695-5453 or 858-432-6764
Well said! I totally agree with your perspective!!
I’m so proud of you for telling the truth loud and strong. You’ve inspired me.